NYU Ability Project: Marilyn’s Mask
Team + Role
Client project for class Developing Assistive Technology through the NYU Ability Project
Team: Karla Ruiz + Anita Perr + Marilyn
Role: Material Exploration, Primary & Secondary Research
August 2019 - December 2019 (4 months)
How might we help Marilyn achieve a better mask fit to reach steady overnight oxygen levels?
After years of different strategies, Marilyn’s oxygen numbers were still sometimes dropping into emergency numbers overnight due to her mask fit. How might we help Marilyn achieve a better mask fit to secure steady, overnight oxygen levels?
Addressing jaw movement during sleep to prevent mask slippage
Research led us to exploring the possibility of jaw relaxation post mask positioning. We came across this possibility when looking into community youtube channels of people exploring different assistive tools that had helped them with their mask fits.
The issue of our jaws relaxing as we sleep can negatively affect what seemed to be a good fit before falling asleep. A solution that had helped some community members was using a custom mouthguard.
This led us to working with a resident prosthodontist at NYU’s Oral Health Center for People with Disabilties for best next steps on creating a custom solution. They thought that a good place holder solution while waiting on a custom mouthguard production would be placing a couple dental hooks with rubber bands. They felt this would keep her jaw in position over night but not affect her bite when only using them at night.
Material exploration, interviews and DIY communities
We explored several different paths, beginning with learning what research had been done prior to us. Our mentor had us continue material exploration and testing out an Arc Tech scanner. We also worked with Marilyn and her aide directly, learning and building off of their explorations of what had and hadn’t worked.
We also used the Lotus Blossom method for ideating questions and solution pathways. This led us to conduct different primary interviews, including one with a parallel community that also needed a secure oxygen mask fit, the diving community. Learn more about our process through the NYU Ability Project here.
The importance of co-creation when developing assistive technology and learning from parallel communities
During our Lotus Blossom ideation session, we came up with the idea of talking to a diving shop. They were able to provide us with some unique material application ideas including a silicone paste used with divers struggling with their fit. The silicone also doesn’t deteriorate the mask over time like vaseline can.
We also dove deep into youtube channels and social media platforms. We found a couple really helpful channels including a youtube channel testing out different masks and was where we came across the idea of a custom fit mouthguard.
Importance of online communities, learning from other people sharing their experiences, solutions and explorations
Co-creation with the client
Exploring and learning from parallel communities