Floral ARranger
My Role
Solo project for NYU Tandon School of Engineering UX Design for AR/VR certificate program
February 2023 (1 month)
Floral ARranger is a playful, educational app experience. Explore a virtual field of native plants and learn more by adding to an ARrangement. Each plant also has a unique sound. Once collected, create ARrangements to save or share with friends.
Explored other virtual arrangement experiences like Flower Designer II by PanGuoJun. I was inspired by its 3D asset aesthetic. Also liked that you could save your arrangement to a personal collection. Was also inspired by concepts of interactive sound explored through NIME - New Interfaces for Musical Expression.
For plant lovers and ambient music fans, Floral ARranger is an AR experience that offers playful soundscape building and plant education all in one. It creates a peaceful environment for users to learn about native plants while enjoying ambient soundscapes, providing a fun interaction to spark curiosity to learn more and experiment. The user can place the arrangement to view in their own environment, save to their own collection, or send to a friend.
User testing round one led to making sure that you could look at plants selected in a gallery view as well as the ability to add two of the same kind of plant.
User testing round two lead to a more immersive approach to surround the viewer in a field, tapping to collect native flowers. Using tapping as a metaphor for picking flowers. It was also underscored that the user liked having the play of both visual and sonic arrangement.
Instead of Wizard of Oz testing in the Unity interface - prepare a figma prototype with screenshots from Unity